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martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

When I Was Child

When I was child I liked the toy that gave McDonald's, I like to collect then, my room it was full of all the toys of McDonald's, Always I Ordered a happy box and played in the park of McDonald's
and that was fun.

When I was child my favorite movie was Toy Story I remember that I Loved Watch it everyday, every moment  and every time I never tired of watching it, I watched it in the VHR.

When I was child i Loved so much play with my PlayStation ® Every Weekend my favorite games of my playstation was Pepsi man, Spyro, Tomb Raider, Toy stoy, Resident evil, inter alia
but my favorite of all the time when I was child was Crash all games.

When I Was child I loved watch the Cartoons Channel But my favorite channel of them all was Cartoon Network. I Watched television in the Home of my parents, Grandparents, Uncles in Everywhere. I Recollect that I don't slept because I watched the tv every

When I was Child I Adored The Christmas, I still adore the Christmas but before was better because my family was bringing me gifts and was fun play with my cousins and eat cookies and eat grapes for ask a desire.

lunes, 27 de enero de 2014

How to Become a Professional Photographer

Professional photography is an excellent career choice for anyone who wants to get paid for using their creative talents. It's one of the few fields where age and college degrees aren't as important as a good eye, a quality product, and self discipline. Photography is a competitive field, however. so be prepared to start small, while you perfect your craft and build a portfolio of your best work. The tips below should help get you started.
A major misconception about professional photographers is that you must have a fancy camera body or multiple lenses in order to be successful. While having a great camera certainly does improve your business, being a successful photographer has more to do with knowing the ins and outs of camera basics. Before considering photography as a business, you need to know your camera and gear like the back of your hand.

Start off with a basic camera before jumping into buying a camera ranging in the thousands of dollars. A good photographer can take photos with a lower-end camera model, so get comfortable with a basic body first. As you begin to understand the camera and lenses, then look into purchasing new additions.

Read books, magazines, and online articles for the most up-to-date information on Camera settings and tips and tricks. These will help to teach you new ways to use your Camera and lenses to create great photos.

Make sure you are knowledgeable in how to use your other camera gear, such as a remote flash or different lenses. Having a background in these will significantly improve your photos.

 In order to get hired by someone who isn’t a close family member or friend, you will need to have a portfolio built up to show off your best work. Use photographs from multiple shoots with different subject matter to show the range of your talents. Make sure that your Portfolio is comprised of more than just five or ten photos, people will want to see the great work you've done.