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martes, 18 de febrero de 2014

When I Was Child

When I was child I liked the toy that gave McDonald's, I like to collect then, my room it was full of all the toys of McDonald's, Always I Ordered a happy box and played in the park of McDonald's
and that was fun.

When I was child my favorite movie was Toy Story I remember that I Loved Watch it everyday, every moment  and every time I never tired of watching it, I watched it in the VHR.

When I was child i Loved so much play with my PlayStation ® Every Weekend my favorite games of my playstation was Pepsi man, Spyro, Tomb Raider, Toy stoy, Resident evil, inter alia
but my favorite of all the time when I was child was Crash all games.

When I Was child I loved watch the Cartoons Channel But my favorite channel of them all was Cartoon Network. I Watched television in the Home of my parents, Grandparents, Uncles in Everywhere. I Recollect that I don't slept because I watched the tv every

When I was Child I Adored The Christmas, I still adore the Christmas but before was better because my family was bringing me gifts and was fun play with my cousins and eat cookies and eat grapes for ask a desire.